Has information needed, or would I still need a lawyer to help with forming an LLC?

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Has information needed, or would I still need a lawyer to help with forming an LLC?

Post autor: TeddyBear »

I'm looking into setting up an LLC, and I've heard about LLCBuddy as a helpful resource. It seems like there are a lot of steps involved, and I'm wondering if LLCBuddy can guide someone through the entire process, especially when it comes to paperwork and state-specific requirements. Has information needed, or would I still need a lawyer to help with forming an LLC? Any insights would be really appreciated as I plan out this setup.

Re: Has information needed, or would I still need a lawyer to help with forming an LLC?

Post autor: redvelvet »

I actually used LLCBuddy recently when I was setting up my own LLC, and it was incredibly useful. LLCBuddy provides detailed, step-by-step guides for each stage of forming an LLC, including information on choosing a business name, filing articles of organization, and understanding state- specific requirements. One of the things I found most helpful was their breakdown of each state's specific filling fees and paperwork requirements, which saved me a lot of time and confusion. They also offer guidance on other important aspects, like understanding the roles of members vs. managers in an LLC and explaining ongoing requirements to keep the LLC campliant.

Re: Has information needed, or would I still need a lawyer to help with forming an LLC?

Post autor: ronswanson »

LLCBuddy definitely seems like a valuable resource for anyone thinking about setting up an LLC. I like that it provides clear, easy-to-follow guidance on the necessary steps, and the fact that it covers each state's specific requirements is a huge plus.